Each specific virtues is the 'cure' or 'remedy' or 'antidote' that stands in opposition to each of the Seven Deadly sins. This is the 'remedial' or 'contrarian' model of the Seven Holy Virtues. Scriptural Stories for Very Young Children, 1814Almost all the. What Virtues Defeat Which Vices The Contrarian or Remedial Model of Virtue You can think of the Seven Virtues as a sword forged to defeat a specific Vice. You can continue this book's conversation by visiting. The Bible as a Book of Virtues: Noah as a Model of Virtues and Vices. What these works show is the vitality and richness of the virtues and vices in the arts from their origins to the present. Acceptance Assertiveness Authenticity Beauty Caring Cleanliness Commitment Compassion Confidence Consideration Contentment Cooperation. As a part of Scripture, the New Testament virtue lists are easy to overlook and if you misunderstand God’s grace, they can seem overly moralistic. The two terms of the second class are somewhat similar the first more. The more we recognize the potential impact that practicing virtues can have on our lives, the more our lives open up to new possibilities and to greater joy and fulfillment. A virtue list is exactly what is sounds like, a list of positive traits in sequence as a description of the good life. In the first class, the first term, which has a distinct meaning, may have suggested the other and allied vices miscellaneous and grosser aspects of forbidden indulgence. The seven deadly vices Envy Anger Pride Lust Sloth Avarice. Virtues are the essence of our character and character does indeed determine destiny. Also included are artworks from medieval manuscripts paintings by Giotto, Veronese, and Paul Cadmus prints by Brueghel and a photograph by Oscar Rejlander. The most well-known and traditional list of vices is called the seven deadly sins or vices. This anthology includes excerpts of Plato's Republic, the Bible, Dante's Purgatorio, and the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche and C. Starting with the Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian antecedents, this anthology of source documents traces the virtues-and-vices tradition through its cultural apex during the medieval era and then into their continued development and transformation from the Renaissance to the present. This book brings all of them together and for the first time lays out their history in a collection of the most important philosophical, religious, literary, and art-historical works. The seven virtues are prudence, fortitude, temperance, justice, faith, hope, and love. The seven deadly sins are pride, envy, anger, sloth, gluttony, greed, and lust. The subject of Virtues and Vices, based on thematic studies conducted by Fernando D’Amico and Jacques Wisman, is propose.